Tag Archives: walmart our finest extra mature cheddar cheese

Totally biased product review by me — Walmart Our Finest Extra Mature Cheddar Cheese

Walmart Our Finest Extra Mature Cheddar Cheese

A decent little budget cheese that holds its own

I always have a little giggle — or sometimes, a guffaw — when I read in the Brits in Toronto groups that expats miss the cheese from back home. Having been here 20 years, I can attest to the fact that there are some really good ones here, but you have to search them out.

Spend a few hours wandering around the Cheese Boutique sampling their wares and you’ll see what we mean. Brilliant shop. You pay for what you get … so be prepared for a little more outlay for a delicious selection.

Walmart gives good cheese too. Yep, you read that right. Take for example the Our Finest Extra Mature Cheddar Cheese brand. For around $5 for a decent block, it will satisfy those late night cheese on toast cravings or with a nice Ploughman’s lunch.

Not a huge crumble factor — you can slice quite deep in with a knife before it breaks in two — but has a decent flavour for a budget mature cheddar. A little tangy and creamy at the same time, it hits the spot quite nicely.

We give it a Brits in Toronto 3/5 stars.